Q3 2024 Market Review
With month two of the fourth quarter on the horizon, we are happy to share our VeraBank Wealth Management Q3 2024 Market Review. Featuring market commentary from our experienced wealth advisors, this comprehensive report explores key trends, challenges, and opportunities that defined the quarter.
You will also find key takeaways on:
- US Stocks continue to hit new highs
- Interest rates on the decline
- Return data for major asset classes
- Our perspective on the stock market impact of the upcoming election
While it may be natural to wonder whether you should make an investment decision based on how elections might unfold, data suggests such moves are unlikely to result in better returns. There is a stronger case for investors to look past elections and maintain a steady approach to markets – in other words, make a long-term plan based on the things you can control and stick to it.
With these factors at the forefront, it’s important to have a thoughtfully designed and managed investment process that looks beyond the news headlines and focuses on the important role each asset plays in your overall portfolio. That’s where VeraBank Wealth Management Wealth Advisors can help.
Would you like a review of your wealth management strategy? Explore VeraBank Investment Services or schedule an appointment with an advisor.
Securities provided by VeraBank Wealth Management are not deposits of VeraBank, are not FDIC insured, have no financial institution guarantee, and may lose value.

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